Wow! I have neglected this blog a bit haven't I?
I have been busy promoting the Super Deaf Poker Event which will be kicking off the night before Stephen McLean's Super Poker Event in City West and the interest is huge!
And its not for lack of winning, far from it, I've had a very profitable year since my last post June 2010. It's been my best one yet!
Between winning big at Vegas Night's monthly game in the Voodoo last September 2010, DPN's new monthly Championship game in June 2011 and the prestigious Gothenburg Deaf Poker Open in May 2011. Not to add the countless small wins here and there at DPN local pub games, Bluff Card Club, D1 and shock... horror... dare I say it: I managed to win THREE of Irish Deaf Poker's monthly games in that time which is nigh on impossible! This is notoriously a fish fest with players stacking off with ATC and hitting... The 'real players' never win in here. Ever! LOL!
Another first I've notched: I finally manage to cash, chop, AND win a tournament in the Fitzwilliam! On a handful on occasions... nothing beats that, after 5 years in this game if you can't get an edge over the Fitz regular players, you are better off out! I've yet to try the bigger buy-ins like the Mid-month or End of Month games with the upper echon of players... that's the next step!
Cash tables are a hit and miss, up one month down the next. If I have €100 to play cash with I might as try the roulette table than the cash tables on the Dublin scene isn't soft as people say.
My MTT game has changed a lot: I'm 3 betting without fear, floating flops with a wider range and changing gears constantly. Bluffing more even... in fact my bluffs actually get through way more than my big hands do(!)
If only I can say the same for my online personae. I totally suck online, its not funny. My 'stats' are apparently horrendous with 15 fishbowls over my head on the HUD. I know I should invest in training but right now, I don't really have the time to put into online grinding, plus with the responsibility of a family and full-time job in uncertain times I am better off keeping poker as a hobby for now...
In the meantime I'm off to win myself another one of those glass yoke thingys tonight! See you all at the tables!!!