Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If you go a-pulling, don't mention the 'P' word!

Had to share this one with ye!

After leaving the Jackpot at 4am approx; taxi's were very scarce on the ground, as scores of people were walking out of the city. Sis and I popped into a nearby kebab place to wait out the 'rush'... I got talking to this tall, fine looking specimen, Sis discovered he lived 'in Castleknock' and suggested we share a taxi over... as she went outside for a smoke while hoping to hail a taxi. The flirting was coming on nicely, as you know, easy on the eye and all that! I casually mentioned we had been playing poker since 1am. This was the gist of the conversation that followed:

- Ah poker? Any ya good?
- Ah I'm okay, not the best mind... but I'm getting there! (...don't mention the losing streak!)
- It a tough game to master...
- I agree!
- Yeah... you have to be able to work out what card is coming next...
- Eh? You play poker too? (...uh oh...)
- Of course, all the time, its all in the mind, you just need to know what's coming next. (... ??? ...)
- Really? Hmmm... I would have said luck, position and pot odds would be more important...
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no... *interrupts*... if you play like that you won't win! ...Luck?!! *scoffs at me while shaking his head* (... eh???...)
- Well I would calculate what outs I have left before betting further if I was in a pot but I gotta admit its almost impossible to predict what card will come out, surely?! (... ah, here lies a 'pub player' a la Boardie definition...)
- No seriously, that's how you win. I'm telling ya... I play all over the place... won €5k last week actually... so I know what I'm talking about. (... really? ...)
- €5k? What did you start with? What was the buy-in
- €500
- How many players? 15? 20?
- Naw... You can only play with 6 players, that the proper way to play... 6 people on one table, ye can't play with more than 6... Thought you know your poker?! (...ah ha... )
- 6? And you won €5k? (... red flag....)
- Yeah! Great game!
- Wow... Where was that game?
- Terry Rogers... upstairs... private members only (...alarm bells...)
- Do you ever play in the Jackpot? Sporting Emporium? Fitzwilliam...
- Where's? Never heard of them... do ya reckon your sister will get us a cab soon? So we can head back to your place for a party... or whatever? Haw! Haw! (... sirens ... )
- Errrrr... ha! Ha! good question... Hold on a sec, I'll run out and have a look... (... aaaaaannnnnnnd good night Mister!)

Jeeze! The things you guys come out with!

1 comment:

smurph said...


sounds like a scary enough experience alright.

Talk to you soon