The power went during the 2nd level; and a decision was made to play "turbo style" - 5 minute blinds - by candlelight in order to maximise what little light there was left, the alternative was move the tables to the car park(!) My favourite game was turning into a crapshoot... It was push or die!
By the time the power was restored, I was 2nd chip-leader sitting on 37k [thanks to trip 2s and a beautiful straight flush!] on the final table with: two noobies (one young good player YGP and the other Bully-Bluffer [ab]using his 60K+ lead to push the shorties off the blinds) Paul S, Mr Invincible (he so looks like him too!), Phil-with-a-tash, Susie-Woosie and Black Sanjay. Blinds were 1k/2k and it was only 10pm!!!!
Gum was out early much to Susie Woosie's delight - the woman plays so bad, she puts the proverbial 'pub players' to shame! Her latest claims was to have won "thousands" in the Fitz "and other games" in the past two weeks... huh?!!!! I've never seen her play anywhere else but the Dublin 15 pub games... and she runs too good in them to move on just yet me thinks(!)

Mr Invincible is Gum's 3rd biggest fan after Susie Woosie and moi - he was mimicking her constant gum chewing and stroppy 'speech' play to a T... ahem... I think its safe to substitute 'boast' for 'speech' here! I'm not usually a b1tch but the woman really gets to me calling with hands like 58o and J3o winning with them, then bragging on and on about her "winnings"! She really set my teeth on edge and I wasn't even on her table(!)
Dealer refused to readjust the blinds back to 15 minute levels and poor Susie was caught short having to push with marginal hands only to be eaten alive by Bully-Bluffer. I grinded up to 60k then crashed to 25k calling YGP's all-in with my 10 10-v-KK on a AQ10 flop that yielded a J by river, NH sir! I managed to hold on for 3rd place and 7 precious league points, while YGP and Bully-Bluffer split 1st & 2nd between themselves.
I know you are reading here Robbie... You're probably right, I shouldn't complain as I did cash but ... GrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRrrrr! I so wanted a decent satisfying game not this fast n furious crapshootinessaments... please please don't do this to us again! Y'hear me??!!!!!!! Gah! That feels better now I've got it off my chest! LOL!
AFTERTHOUGHT: Got a lovely apology by text from Robbie of Dublin Poker Nights for the way the game went last Sunday! He's such a sweetie, I do like the way he runs his games in Dublin 15 (except when there's a power cut!!!) so I want to reassure him he hasn't lost me over it! You'll have to update the league standings soon Robbie now I've linked you!
Hey..shouldn't complain.. the lights made the guys a little more attractive...
it was like a good date - Some drink... low lights... poker...all that was missing was...well i won't say ;)
Romantic????! Pah! What notions you have SusieWoosie!!!! But I agree certain guys did look way better by candlelight! ;-D
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