I reset all my poker counters to Zero entering 2009... two live games and I was -€86 already(!) Was feeling really 'focused' heading to the Bell tonight: either I take it down or I cut out poker til after UK Deaf Open on 30th January...
The numbers were disappointing, barely 16 players, Robbie needs to advertise this game more! It offers a beautiful structure: 10k starting stack and 15 minute blinds for €50+10, it deserves much more players. With a three way prize pool of €700 (€100 kept back for the league which started again tonight...) I was determined to play tight to the end.
Got off to a good start with several great hands in succession which I hate, as I always get too many callers who managed to hit the flop and put my hand in the shade.
By the time we got down to 9 players (final table)the blinds were 1/2k - Susie Woosie was chipleader on 40k approx and the rest of the table were hovering just above/below average with 2 short-stacks less than 10k. I had 18k, checking K4s in BB with 5 callers, flop came out Q74 rainbow, action checked around. Turn 4 - I threw out 6k and got two callers, river was 2. My 12k saw them fold and I was up to 38k just behind Susie. Susie lost 16k playing A10s into all-in's AA that hand also eliminated two short stacks with 15k between them. In the next hand blinds were 2/4 I found Ah4h in CO-1 to her button, and raised to 12k. Susie had less than 25k hummed for a minute, I knew by her expression that she had a decent hand and resolved to fold if she pushed but no, she called. The blinds and EP limpers got out of the way fast. Flop came Q49 spades, throwing out 11k into a 35k pot I hoped it would show a flush or AQ and expected Susie to fold... but she shoved her remaining stack over the line and tabled JJ. Oooooh, I was in trouble with my low pair... but turn brought an ace and poor Susie was out making me new chipleader. Few hands later we were down to the bubble with 4 players, I raised on button with KJ. The 2nd chipleader (who won with AA) had limped in UTG, called my raise when the blinds folded. Flop came out J high two diamonds. UTG shoved for 35k and I insta-called, he tabled QdJd; turn brought a King but no diamonds and I was chipleader with over 100k facing two players with less than 23k each.
Tweety was shortest-stack in SB shoved for 12.5k into my 2k BB, finding 3s8s I called to see him table J8o and taking it down on a J high board. The criticism I got was absurd! Eh? I had over 100k, I was BB and knew he was shoving with a high hand; I felt my low hand had a 6-1 chance of knocking him out and went for it... but no... I got told off by Susie and Shuddaman for playing 'bad'! Comments anyone?
A little later I was on Button with Ac6c (blinds 2/4k)and raise to 16k. Shuddaman is in SB and shoves for 36.5k... I called the remaining 20k and faced AJoff... no pair for either of us and Shuddaman is new chipleader on 73k to my 60-odd and a serious threat to me. Graham (the dealer) who had remained silent at the last criticism looked at me sternly "Hmmm, now THAT was not a good call Jules, a 'good' player knows when to fold..." Looking back, considering the possible chip advantage and the Shuddaman's 'tight image', yes, I accept in this spot it was an awful call: I should have folded my A6, I should fold anything other than AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK or AQ.
Knocking Tweety into 3rd place I faced Shuddaman HU 70k to his 90k (approx). Tweeety and Tony voiced an opinion that we should split 50-50. Susie laughed "don't think Jules will split..." Shuddaman looks at me "shall we play it out?" I nodded thinking 'sure... I will be walking outta here with the top prize anyway!' and settled back in to enjoy the HU.
Our HU lasted a good 20-30 mins, blinds increased to 5/10k, I had gradually clawed back the advantage to me with 100-60 when I found Q3s in BB, checking to see the flop: 367... while deciding if I should shove or check... Shuddaman acted out of turn shoving his stack over the line. WTF!? Smelling a rat, I tanked for a minute to think, I knew from watching him play previous HU he likes to slow-play good hands and push on nothing other than underpair, two overcards or draws. My pair was good... but before I had actually decided anything I just 'heard' a voice say "yeah... I call...". Uh oh was that me!??? a fine trickle of sweat ran down my back.
Tabling my Q3, Graham nodded appreciatively, then looked shocked at Shuddaman's 84off hand. "A draw!? You push with a... ohhhhhh... okaaaaaay... a pair of 3s against a straight draw... lets seeeeeeee..." Turn 10. River 2 and it was all over. I had won and was sitting top of the new Bell league to boot. I was still sweating leaving the pub! Even now I'm still warm and the window's wide open...
I'm so glad to have a win starting off my 2009 bankroll, I've kept my resolution to avoid the cash tables too... Long may it last!!!!
Next Tuesday (13th) Susie and I will be hosting a free Deaf Women's Poker Night in Drumcondra to teach some newbies and help other Deaf women players to improve their game. There's some potential players in IDP including IMFT, her partner Maura (who put me out of the PTIG's Swedish Open Satt last Saturday... Grrrr! Serves me right for limping in with a premium hand... meh! WP Maura!) and Cee's sister SJ. Our aim is to have whole bunch of IDP women playing at the 2009 Ladies Championship (now postponed to a later date)... So here goes! Hopefully we have a major winner among our numbers yet!
Will be there on Tuesday! :D
Oi! Whats with the animal picture.. that's my trick :P
and regards the 8, 3... i do think this wasn't the best hand to play.. not critisising the play cos i did the wrong thing with them Jacks! but i think you developed a rep on the table as being a manic loose player
Still surprised that Shoulda went all in with that draw - that was a very good call with them 3's!
GG girl - and fingers and ears crossed ill be there tomorrow!
I saw it and lurved it! Dying to use it... fits the Shudda play well ;-D
Cheers Poshie - looking forward to teaching ya some loose-playin'! LOL!
Congrats on the win and great start to the year.
Good luck with hosting the womens poker game hope you get a good turnout and its good fun.
Delighted to read you're hosting a poker evening for deaf people. A good friend of mine lost her hearing recently. I've sent her your post and fingers crossed she'll go along.
Thanks Caren! Love your blog BTW! Is your friend in Dublin? Or in UK?
If Dublin: irishdeafpoker.com host a regular poker night on first Saturday of every month (or 2nd Saturday if 1st is Bank Holiday?)
Deafpoker.co.uk will be hosting their annual gathering in London on 30th Jan, still plenty of seats left and the buy-in is very small!
Our Ladies night went really well tonight - loads of beginniners and intermediates we got 15 new players - plenty of sharks in the making! ;-D Planning a repeat in two weeks by popular demand!
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