But hey, I really do cherish these experience as I'm off to London this weekend for the UK Deaf Poker Series ... and trust me, those players will put our usual donks in the shade and make you cry! I'm so looking forward to writing my report on the event! LOL!
Last year myself and Susie went over to the first series which was an total expereince in itself! We were among six Irish players in a 60+ British strong field, narrowed down to the final 9 with 3 of us Irish on the final table (says a lot doesn't it?) including myself and Susie. I was shortest-stacked but held on only to bubble in 6th place while Susie cashed out in 3rd. This year's tournament kicks off with a much smaller-buy in of £35... an unbelievable 50% reduction on last year's buy-in and includes a hefty £10 reg that Cee still harps on about! (Me thinks its the loose standard he is more worried about than a measy tenner!) The organisers said they were more interested in getting the numbers in, they were hoping for 120 players, and hey! There's 131+ registered... Bravo! I expect that number to be exceeded on the day too, generating an acceptable prize pot to be shared among the final 10%! Didn't they do well?
I'm going over with an open mind and no expectations. Planning to put the wee profit I have this month to good use and enjoy myself doing it with no regets! I'll be play uber-tight-aggro: if I'm out first - first hand even - so be it! But I promise ya I will exit on the best hand pre-flop at least... Bring it on!
Good luck to all the Irish playing on Saturday, try not to get toooooo excited about the AA or KK hand until you know you have the nuts...

I would have thought in a field of 60+ brits and 6 Irish the bubble would have stretched further than 6th being the bubble?.
Best of luck over in the U.K hope you have a story from it, let us knowhow you get on?.
Teach those useless British how to sign properly!.
Yes, so did we! I tried talking to the 'organisers' about extending it to pay-out top 10% but the event organisers were very inexperienced. The blinds re-started again at 25/50 after the first break instead of the expected 200/400 level(!) We all thought it was a mistake... but no!
Thankfully, this year's structure and event was much better, it was a well run tournament but the standard was
dreadful. MUCH worse than last year... But we kinda expected that for that low buy-in!
Exited 14th place, meh! Was last woman (10 played) and last Irish player standing... so not tooooooooo bad! LOL! Really sick exit though... will reveal all in the next report! Try not to laugh at the "useless British" playing!
LOL! I just know them guys will be reading here!
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