Monday, March 10, 2008

The first team event...

Oh my lord... What a day! Well done to JP Poker for a successful event!

I was kinda shy meeting the team, they knew each other and I was this 'fish' stranger to them, but by 2:20pm we settled on the games then 3 of us down to the first 3 heats with 5 player STTs.

I started off playing cautious but tight, posted few big bets on AJ and AK but lost out to JJJ and AA respectively. Was building a good image playing tight as when I raised 3/4 times blinds the others folded so all I go were blinds. I did call a few pots but the flop didn't agree with me.

Went down to 2,750 and shoved all in, 3 callers, showed KK and won the pot with an A on the board! Go figure!

Later I was stacked 3,500 (BB100/200) when I got aggressive pushing 800 with 10 10, all folded, bar one guy with 3,250 who called me. The board read QQ8XX, he shoved All-In with his remaining stack, I thought for a minute then saw he was holding his breath (hmmm!!!) so called him and showed my pair ... he MUCKED! Yay me!!!!

After that pot, we were down to 4 players, I was card dead for ages watching this rock player building his stack as he swept the blinds and small pots here/there... He eventually went on to win the heat.

Then came my exit hand (BB 125/250). Down to 4,5k - I raised to 1k on a Jc10d, the rock called and rest folded. The flop showed Ad9d6x hmmm... Rock checks, I made a continuation bet of 2k, and he calls... ahhhhh... alarm bells ringing in my head!

Turn is Jd - finally a pair and possible flush. The rock checks, I hesitated (those damn alarm bells again!) then checked. River 2d... yessssss my flush! All-In I go!

But just when I thought I had all the outs covered the Rock calls me with JsKd(!) Then I showed myself up like a FISH! "ohhhh... ah split pot... ace high flush to both of us..." Dealer: "No, winner is Flush with king... you are out in 4th, sign here." FFS! :-(

In IDP we've split pot if highest flush card is on the board... now I know this was wrong(!) Darn!
Joan and her hubby Brian spent the rest of the day teasing me about this(!) There was a lot of waiting around while the 4th & 5th heats got underway, I went out for lunch with Susie Woosie then came back to see that our team had made it to semi-final with 29 points! Joan = 4 Smurph = 4 Moi = 5 Laura = 6 Sam = 10 Go Ladies!!!

Semi-final started at 8:40pm, I was in heat 1 STT, 8 handed with several drunken men turning it into a mad crap-shoot! I folded to several all-in's and my stack went down to 3,500 when this hand happened. I was BB for 200, UTG aka DFRF (drunken funny rambling fool!) raised to 1k, all folded to me I called with AdQd. The flop showed AhJh6h and DFRF shoved the rest of his stack (2k approx) over the line. As I had witnessed mad calls and bluffs from him, I was sure he was pushing a weaker hand and not a flush and called him. I was right. DFRF showed Kh7s.


The turn was Qh and River 2h(!) Ah FFS!

Cue mental whoops, cowboy leaps and laughter and team mates dancing, everyone crowds around the table... Dealer looks at me looking rejected and mouthed 'sorry'... DFRF stops his buckleaping around looks at me and said "ah no... I know ya married but can I giv ya a hug? Fuck... I give ya a hug, cm'ere!" (Married?!! I wish!)

I had 150 left and pushed it over for SB and lost it to pair 2s(!) And bowed out in 5th place and 4 points. Later I realised all our team were out before 5th place too so didn't mind too much, with 20 points, we were 6th placed so lost our place for the final. Awww!

Susie Woosie joined the €33 STT table, was so funny watching it!!! I was in the mood to play some more and tried to join another STT but they wanted play €110 ... eeek... I sat up to leave but one player pushed to reduce the STT amount to 50 and I sat down to play with 9 drunken players... crapshoot style galore and fistcuffs at the ready! I was out in 5th place just before JP closed us down...

Flushdraw won the overall team event and Raj (Sean's dad) took home the Best Overall Individual cup - well done guys!

Great day overall... But now officially €243 down (don't ask!!!!)

1 comment:

Ciarán said...

lol! At IDP tournaments the same ruling wud have been given lol.. So i guess you've been splitting pots all this time! :D Just got around to reading all ur entries. Some are funny and light-hearted! Makes mine sound so depressing!